Bremen –> Amsterdam –> Den Haag

in may

    DONE !

    8 day´s / 7 hours, with one fulll day in amsterdam and two full day´s in the near of den haag.

    timetable: 12th may (10:30 am) –> 21th may (17:30 pm)
    km complete: 1054
    driving time complete: 47,16 hours
    duration speed: 22.3 km/h
    bikeweight: 12,5 kg
    baggage: ~ 30 kg
    my weight: before 82 / after 80 kg

    weather: windy alll day´s, mostly from the front in my face….# day: a bit rain and ice rain … 15 degrees 2nd Day: clody …3trd d´Day sunny 4th Day (chilling reant a bike tour across amsterdam 😉 5th day …easy cruising to den haag but the sun was really burning my face 😛 6th/7th Day / stay close to den haag visiting friends and had a westcoast trip… 8th Day was cloudy and foggy the last hours were really cloudy / foggy and it was raining the las three hours.

    right now Im back in bremen for work… but I´m lucky to can say, that in July / august I want to ride to vienna / prag…

    den haag

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